Lets Ask Phil

How Did the OT Jews Cast Lots?

How did the OT Jews cast lots? I think it was to decide decisions…

Why Include Genealogies?

Why do so many books include such extensive genealogies, what…

Tithes and Priests

What did the priests and Levites do with the tithes? I assume…

The Bible and Freewill

I have asked several Christians how we know The Bible is a reliable…

Noah’s Ark

With millions and millions of species living on the earth today,…

Book of Job

Just reading the book of Job at the moment and a number of questions…

Bible Translation

As there are many different bible translations e.g., NIV, NASB,…


Strateuma What does this mean? Its a Greek word. "Today God…

Women’s Role in OT and NT

So, this is not a question as such but I’d like to know about…

Lost Books of the Bible

I understand there are a few books that are called "The Lost…